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2820 E. 24th Street | Des Moines, IA 50317
Phone: 515-242-8408 | Fax: 515-323-8619

Bulletin Board


There are two new Snap Connect connections for you to use to reach out to the office.  If reporting your student absent, please use Garton Attendance.  If you need to contact Garton’s office, please use Garton Office.


Hay dos nuevas conexiones de Snap Connect que puede usar para comunicarse con la oficina. Si informa que su estudiante está ausente, utilice Garton Attendance. Si necesita comunicarse con la oficina de Garton, utilice Garton Office.

Here Comes the Bus App

Please click on the below link for instructions on how to download Here Comes the Bus app.  If your student rides the school bus, you will want to have this app on your phone.  Is shows where the bus is at, if it is running late or if there is a different bus number picking up your student.

Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo descargar la aplicación Here Comes the Bus. Si su estudiante viaja en el autobús escolar, querrá tener esta aplicación en su teléfono. Muestra dónde está el autobús, si llega tarde o si hay un número de autobús diferente que recoge a su estudiante.

Here Comes the Bus App Download instructions English & Spanish


2024-2025 Supply List

Please click on the below link to find the supply list for the 2024-2025 school year.

Supply List

All Events
  • No School Feb. 10-11

  • DMPS Foundation Dinner

  • School Board Meeting

  • 2nd & 3rd Grade Family Art Night

  • Parent University: School Transitions